Sweet Mary mother of God, I just about crapped my pants last night. Lost is one of those shows of which I have seen every episode, but generally pisses me off. It's slow moving, plodding along twists and turns to the point where you not only cannot remember where you started, but you can no longer remember why you care. Granted, I'm probably prone to cutting Lost less slack than most people, as I fell victim to the Alias disaster, otherwise known as seasons 3-5. JJ Abrams fucked up a great show once and I don't trust him to not do it again.
However, what Abrams does do right consistently, is stock his shows full of fascinating actors. Victor Garber and Ron Rifkin on Alias, and now, Terry O'Quinn on Lost (O'Quinn, by the way, was criminally underutilized on Alias, something which Abrams obviously realized and tried to fix with Lost). O'Quinn's John Locke is the most complex and compelling character on this show and definitely at the top of the list in all of television right now. The Locke episodes are always the best, which pretty much guaranteed that last night's was going to be a doozy. And a doozy it was.
I'm not going to go into a detailed account of everything that happened. For that, you should head over to TWoP. I'm just going to go over the basics.
*Locke blows up the Other's submarine, leaving everyone stranded on the island indefinitely (including Jack, who had brokered a deal with Ben that would have let him go home the next morning. Awkward).
*Ben knows all about Locke's life before he came to the island, including the fact that he had been in a wheelchair for four years. He's kind of peeved that the island fixed Locke but hasn't fixed him.
*Locke ended up in a wheelchair because his father PUSHED HIM THROUGH A FREAKIN' WINDOW! Locke fell 8 STORIES and survived.
*Locke's father IS ON THE ISLAND and being held captive by Ben.
Do you see what I'm saying? This episode rocked my face. Obviously, every episode can't be this amazing, or else they'd answer every question in about three weeks. But if next week's episode can keep just half of the momentum from this week, I'll be completely sucked in once again.
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